March 16, 2067


Haha. So yeah. That didn’t work out as well as I hoped it would. But it never does, does it? The number of times I’ve tried to
keep a journal, and they’ve all failed after the first few entries. This one failed after the first one. Oh well. I can always try and
salvage it.
I thought about this journal because there was some interesting news today. I came home from school and Mom was basically
giddy; she was dancing around the kitchen and singing as she washed dishes. I haven’t seen her that happy in a long time. When
I asked what was going on, she showed me an article on her phone.
Scientists Say Chocolate Could Make a Comeback, Sooner Rather than Later
“Great,” I said, unable to share in her joy.
“It looks like they’ve gotten their act together with this. Finally you’ll be able to understand.”
“Okay, Mom.”
(What I imagine Mom’s logic to be)



But it made me think of that first entry. Would I become a chocoholic if scientists are able to bring it back? I decided to do some research. First,
I read the article in full. It seems that biologists have been working with the top diseases that affect the chocolate (cacao, if you are going with
the technical terms) and trying to find ways to make the plant immune to them. I guess genetic diseases are harder to get rid of than normal diseases.
So of course I asked Dad about his genetic disease. He told me that genetic diseases are passed on from parent to child, and this happens with
plants, too. When I told my friend about it, she told me I was stupid because it’s “so obvious”.
At diner, Dad seemed just as excited as Mom.
“I have a surprise,” he said through a toothy grin. “I signed us back up for the newsletter from Maison Cailler. Turns out, they’ve been working with
the scientists and they believe that they’ve finally found a way to make chocolate immune to all those diseases.”
“How long is it going to take?” I asked.
“The announcement said they are hoping to have products out by this time next year. They are planning factory tours now to help get their budget
back up.”
“Who wants to see a factory that isn’t working?”
“You go to museums, don’t you?” Mom spoke up. “That’s what this is going to be until it opens back up.”
“Okay, sassy.”


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